Wine Questions? We Have Answers.

Have you looked at a wine menu and felt uncomfortable, at a loss, intimidated? Have you been part of a conversation where people were throwing around wine terms and you just didn’t know what they were talking about? Ever wandered around the wine store aimlessly, not sure what you wanted or even what questions to ask? Fear not, my friends, we are here to help.

Harvest Ridge will be hosting the first of several “Wine Culture Classes” to help you learn more about and become more comfortable with wine so you can enjoy it more! We’ll talk tasting techniques, compare Harvest Ridge wines from various vintages, and take your questions.

Bring your questions and be ready for a fun and informative evening!

Thursday, March 20
This Wine Culture Class is available by reservation only, $20 per person, please call 302-343-9437 to reserve your spot.

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